McKinney Robot

2016 February Start Up

AMS Galaxy Astrea 20.20 Robot


Up and running the first week of operation.

Up and running the first week of operation.


Saturnus Herd Management Software helps to monitor robot and herd performance.

Saturnus Herd Management Software helps to monitor robot and herd performance.

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Boumatic Glacier bulk tank integrated with the AMS-Galaxy buffer tank system.

Boumatic Glacier bulk tank integrated with the AMS-Galaxy buffer tank system.

Chemicals are monitored so accidents are prevented.

Chemicals are monitored so accidents are prevented.


Automated pasture gate system allows for grazing in addition to feed inside the robot and pack barn.

Automated pasture gate system allows for grazing in addition to feed inside the robot and pack barn.


Automatic adjusting feed bowl positions cows of various sizes for better milk out. (this dairy milks Holsteins, Jerseys, and Crossbreds)

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This construction project also included an addition to the existing pack barn.

This construction project also included an addition to the existing pack barn.


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