Staying Resilient in Times of Low Milk Prices

Staying Resilient in Times of Low Milk Prices

The low price of milk can take a toll on the dairy family.  When cash flow is a struggle, the money needed to provide the basic family needs may not be there, or at least there may be at a shortfall.  Not having the money to cover expenses causes stress not just in...

Getting to Know your H2O!

  Water is an extremely valuable resource on a dairy farm. In the great Midwest we are fortunate to be able to go about our everyday farm chores without worrying about water restrictions. From a nutrition standpoint water is also the most important component in...

Reacting to Tough Times: Be a Believer

“Believe it is possible to solve your problem.  Tremendous things happen to the believer.  So believe the answer will come.  It will.” –Norman Vincent Peale There is no denying dairy producers are facing tough problems.  Because the price of milk has...

Put a Freeze on Winter Teat Damage!

It’s  Halloween and that dreadful white stuff is already making its first appearance! With farmers still busy in the field, winter will be here before we know it. With that being said, it’s time to knock out that list of final farm preparations for winter! It’s a lot...